An Essay on
2008 by Academic Services International, Los Lunas, NM, USA
The Instruments - Continued
The Integration of the Elements has been repeatedly mentioned above.
"The deed should correspond and integrate with the design on the Disk, the word of power on the Sword, and the number on the Cup."
Let us view an example of integration:
A Disk bears a design consisting of a dot (point) in it's center, which is also the center of a four-armed, equilateral cross. The cross is surrounded by a septagram (a seven-pointed star) that is further surrounded (just inside the perimeter of the Disk) by a serpent who is eating his tail. This typifies the 4=7 ratio. The full design could be designated as 1=4=7=Ø.
A corresponding Sword might bear the word of power "ADZ" or "ADZØ" or "adz" or " adzØ" (these are the Greek letters for "ADZ" or "ADZØ" or "adz" or "adzø").
Note that 1=A, 4=D, 7=Z, and Zero=Ø
A corresponding Cup might bear the number "147" or "147Ø"
A corresponding Deed might be a ritual in which the Circle is established and banished (Ø), Venus (7) is invoked, the primary Elements (4) are evoked (using the Wand), and everything is symbolically drawn into a unified point (by lighting the overhead central Lamp). The full deed could be designated as Ø=7=4=1.
Thus the designs, names, numbers, and deeds are correlated, synchronized, and integrated into a unified whole.
Light of the World
The Lamp is special. Woe be unto the magician who is content to allow a simple candle to suffice - although, at times, that really can be an acceptable substitute.
The Lamp is ideally a red bowl carved from a large ruby. It is suspended from the ceiling by three golden chains. It is filled with oil upon the surface of which is a floating wick. Ideally, the Lamp is four to nine inches in diameter.
The Lamp is the elemental instrument of Aethyr, the great space and electromagnetic field in which the four elements manifest. It is suspended directly over the Altar in the center of the Circle. It represents the spiritual source of all the other instruments, as well as the goal towards which the magician is working.
Now there are references to a Lamp that burns without wick or oil, being fed directly by the Aethyr itself. If you happen to actually accomplish this feat in the dense physical realm, then you should probably apply to the US Patent Office. Perhaps an approximation of this task could be performed by linking a solar panel to a battery which in turn causes illumination to radiate from a small light bulb.
In a more serious vein, what is implied here is a source of Light within the being of the magician. It is called The Light in the Head and it corresponds to the Crown chakra. Physiologically, it is actually the interface between the radiating energies of the pineal and the pituitary glands.
In the magical world, the magician would find a single, large, flawless ruby. This would then be carved into a bowl of proper dimensions. The oil placed in the Lamp-bowl should be light and of pleasing odor. Kerosene and sticky, thick, rancid oils need not apply.
In our "realistic" world, we find that we will rely on home furnishing departments or thrift stores to help us.
We may accept a commercially manufactured red glass lamp, or a red glass bowl, as a substitute. Plain, simple, red, translucent - these are keywords to guide your acquisition.
In terms of magical anatomy and physiology, the Lamp represents the Light in the Head of the magician that is consciousness itself.
Dressed in Style
The Robe is worn by the magician, and no other garments should be worn underneath. It is traditionally black in color for it is intended to conceal the practitioner, and a hood is attached. It also insulates and protects the magician.
A probationer (one who has not yet been initiated) traditionally wears a white robe, consistent with the process of purification, and there is no hood.
The shape or "cut" of the robe is that of the Tau (the Greek letter "T"). The sleeves and hem widen out, signifying that the central energy of the magician expands and radiates outward. With the magician's head on top of the "T," we are reminded of the ancient Egyptian Ankh.
Magicians are advised to not wear their Robe in public, nor to costume parties, nor to scare little children on Halloween.
In terms of magical anatomy and physiology, the Robe represents the Skin of the magician that protects the inner structures.
The Sound of Silence
The Bell is struck at the beginning (opening) and at the end (closing) of ceremonies, and at specific times within a rite.
It can be of the flat variety or have a traditional bell-shape. Regardless of its shape, it should have a clear, fine-quality tone. The type that has the clapper suspended inside (and is shaken to make it ring) is not the kind we seek. Rather, a striker, usually made of wood, is attached to the Bell by a thin chain. As an option, this chain could be long enough to loop around the magician's waist, outside the robe, thus keeping the Bell and striker handy for use. Otherwise, it is conveniently placed upon the altar.
The Bell is used to announce magical workings. Even though it emits a sound, it calls for attention and silence.
A genuine magical Bell is made of Electrum Magicum, that is, an alloy of the seven sacred metals:
Take ten portions of gold, ten of silver, five of copper, two of tin, two of lead, one of powdered iron, and five of mercury. These metals must all be pure. When the planets Saturn and Mercury come into conjunction, have fire, a crucible, the mercury and the lead at hand so that the work can be performed during the moments of the conjunction. At that time, melt the lead and add the mercury, and let it cool. Then wait for a conjunction of Jupiter with Saturn and Mercury, melt the lead and mercury alloy in the crucible, and melt the tin in another crucible - pour the two metals together at the moment of the conjunction. Then wait until a conjunction of the Sun and either one or both of the above named planets - add the gold to the compound after previously melting it. At a conjunction of the Moon and the Sun, Saturn or Mercury, the silver is likewise added. At a conjunction of Venus with one of the above named planets, the copper is added. Finally, at a conjunction with Mars, the alloy is melted and completed with the addition of the powdered iron. Stir the molten mass with a dry rod of hard wood, and pour it into a previously prepared, bell-shaped mold and let it cool. The Bell can then be polished.
Caution - mercury and lead fumes are highly poisonous!
On the other hand, you might wish to purchase a ready-made Bell. The Tibetans offer Bells in various sizes and shapes, made from a variety of alloys. Some even claim to be made of Electrum.
In terms of magical anatomy and physiology, the Bell represents the Sense of Hearing of the magician. It is also the mental ability to come into a point, otherwise known as a fully-focussed moment of concentration.