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An Essay on

© 2008 by Academic Services International, Los Lunas, NM, USA


The Dynamics - Continued


The Invocation

The magus will now place the primary Incense upon the glowing embers in the censer and proceed with the Invocation. Ideally, the Invocation will have been memorized. An Invocation that is read from a piece of paper or a book tends to reduce the effectiveness of the rite.

It is appropriate to first take up the Cup or the Wand. For a solitary Invocation, without an evocation to follow, the receptive Cup is adequate. But if an evocation will ensue, then the Wand would be more applicable.

When beginning an Invocation, a different battery may be struck upon the bell. For example, in an Invocation of Ra (whose number is six), 1-4-1 might be appropriate, or even 3-3, or 2-2-2, or simply 6 in a row.

! - ! ! ! ! - !

An invocation is often quite lengthy and is composed of five distinct subdivisions. In the first part, the deity is called forth, along with a description of his or her qualities and attributes. In the second part, it as though the deity itself were speaking, announcing his or her characteristics and nature. In the third part, the magus and the deity become one. In the fourth part, the deity overshadows the magus, using the magician's physical vehicle and voice to radiate his or her energy and essence. In the fifth part, the light of the deity is grounded.

Only the first four stages should be carried out at this point - the final grounding being part of the Closing that comes at the far end of the ceremony.

An Invocation requires that the magician be firm but humble. After all, one is performing a supplication. This is not a case of commanding a demon, but rather a matter of setting aside the ego in favor of a receptive, reverent attitude. Any attempt to impose one's will on a god or goddess will end in failure or distress.

The magus should be completely overshadowed and energized by the deity. In fact, there should be no difference between the two entities. The magician will probably feel high, expanded, and electrified, but sometimes there is a tendency to feel faint (need a little more practice, do you?).

It is only in this exalted state of consciousness that the magician is properly prepared to light the magical Lamp, an act that is now performed. Also, only in this state is he or she sufficiently protected in order to proceed with the process of evocation.


The Evocation

The magus will have previously ensured that the three corners of the triangle are activated (before the Opening). If incense sticks were used, they must be of sufficient length to continue burning for quite a while. If fluorescent glow-sticks are in place, they will undoubtedly last throughout the entire rite, but they are not preferred as they produce no smoke.

If short incense sticks or cones are used, they must now be lit, or if censers have been placed and previously ignited, resins, gums or woods need to be added. This incense is usually different from the perfume used in the invocation and should be selected according to the nature of the work (and thus according to the nature of the spirit). During this procedure, it is essential that the practitioner radiate energy out from his or her exposed arm as part of the physical vehicle will now be extended beyond the perimeter of the protective circle.

With desirable clouds of pungent smoke arising through and about the triangle, the magician will proceed to call forth the chosen spirit. The wand is used to command the demon, but the dagger must be close at hand in case the specter becomes recalcitrant and requires discipline. Any talisman that will be charged (if there is one) must also be nearby.

Evocation is divided into four stages. There is the conjuration or calling forth, followed by the charging or instructions, which are succeeded by the token or confirmation, and ending with the license to depart. Perhaps an example of the language and gestures is advisable:

"Ashmodel! Ashmodel! Ashmodel! In the name of the mighty and terrible one, Ra the magnificent, I conjure and constrain thee, oh mighty spirit Ashmodel! Come forth from your abode and appear here before me within this triangle of magical art that you might receive instruction for activity to be performed in the furtherance of the Great Work."

The demon should now appear in the smoke within the triangle. The appearance may be distinct or vague.

"Oh! Ashmodel! You are hereby commanded to [name the task that is to be performed - be very specific in order to avoid mistakes, side-effects, or other undesirable results]."

"As a token of compliance, I now call upon you to set your hand upon this wand in confirmation of your obedience to the accomplishment of this task." [The wand is extended into the triangle - you better remember to radiate energy out through the wand!]

Or - if a talisman is being charged:

"I now command you to set your hand upon this talisman in order to charge it with your essence and in confirmation of your future obedience to come forth and execute its intent whenever it might be taken from its secure place and set in contact with the link to be affected." [The talisman is extended into the triangle - again, you better remember to radiate energy out through the talisman!]

A tingling energy or an increase in heat in the wand or talisman is felt when the spirit complies. The object is then withdrawn back into the circle.

"I now give you license to depart in peace unto your abode, causing no harm or disturbance unto any person or place and showing no visible sign of your presence or departure."

A pentagram is then traced in the air with the wand or dagger. All signs of the spirit must now disappear before proceeding to the next action.

Once the spirit has departed, any talisman that has been charged should be placed in a (previously-prepared) container, such as a book (of talismans), or a leather, wool or silk case, pouch or envelope (do not use a paper envelope or a plastic or synthetic case - these leak energy).

Having thus conjured, charged and dismissed the spirit, and having secured the talisman, the magician may proceed to the Closing.


The Closing

Closing is the process of ending the ceremony. First, the invocation is closed by completing the fifth part, wherein the light of the deity is grounded.

After grounding, the invocation is finalized by striking the battery upon the bell that was used at the beginning of the invocation.

! - ! ! ! ! - !


Next, the banishing is drawn to a close by performing the fourth part, wherein the final centering is enacted.

When closing the banishing ritual, the battery used at the beginning of the entire ceremony is struck upon the bell.

! ! ! - ! ! ! ! ! - ! ! !



This essentially closes the circle. All fires should be extinguished and the instruments should be cleaned and wrapped in their wool or silk coverings.

The magus, and any assistants, may now exit the circle, unlock the door, resume "civilized" clothing, and plug in the telephone.


