An Essay on
2008 by Academic Services International, Los Lunas, NM, USA
Appendix F
Gods, Goddesses and Angels
This Appendix offers an examination of various Ancient Aegyptian deities. It must be first understood that, in "the old days," Egypt was known as Khem (and is the root of the words Alchemy and Chemistry - which mean "Science of Egypt" and "Pertaining to an Egyptian Specialist" - or words to that effect).
As far as the pantheon of the gods and goddesses of Khem are concerned, their names and attributions radically changed as the historical dynasties evolved. It was common practice for (any given) Pharaoh to order the names and images of the gods of some previous ruler to be erased or chiseled away and new names and images to be set forth (sort of like modern book-burning).
The names and images that are depicted here are for modern, magical purposes. The magician is, of course, advised to consult any other chosen references. It is possible that completely different attributes, portrayals and definitions may be encountered.
Why Ancient Aegypt?
Indeed! What is it that is special about this bunch of historical deities? For one thing, many of them are derived from our civilization's earliest written records. And they practiced Magic! Thus, their archetypal imprint upon the Akashik Record runs deep within the subconscious of western magicians.
In India and China, magi are likely to be influenced by subconscious images of a different nature. But there is correlation between the deities of the eastern and western cultures. The same may be said of North American shamans, as well as every indigenous culture.
There are myths and legends (and even some fairly scholarly research) indicating that Khem was an outpost of the Atlantean empire. Supposedly, the Atlans in their flying ships discovered the Land of the Nile with the native inhabitants in a state of primitive consciousness. So the Atlans moved in and the troglodytes soon began to emulate them, eventually revering Atlan personalities like Asar, Isa and Hoor. Thus, real people, and their deeds, became the foundational source of legends and godhead.
When doomed Atlantis took a dive, the Khemites simply continued emulating the architecture and practices of their previous masters. Undoubtedly, some Atlans were still on-site at the time of the catastrophe and helped to shape the pre-history and early history of Khem. This quaint exposition does seem to answer the question raised by modern archaeologists: How did such an advanced civilization suddenly spring up in the aboriginal, stone-age Nilus valley?
Ø - The Blazing Diamond
The Sirius Dog-star is one of the watchmen of the firmament. Fixed in a single place atop the bridge of our view of the Milky Way, it is said to "keep secure the abyss into incarnation." Sirius is a symbol of power and will, and represents one who has bridged the lower and higher consciousness. The Aegyptians named this star Sept.
The Chinese regarded this cosmic area as the bridge between heaven and hell, and name Sirius "The Wolf Star."
Sirius was not represented as one of the gods in Aegyptian mythology, but it stood as a symbol from the earliest times.
Sirius is associated with Ø due to its distant location and overshadowing influence. Ascension to its level of consciousness puts one way, way above and beyond the Tree of Life.
Practices relating to Ø include not thinking, stopping thought, stopping the world, and Shivadarshana ("viewing the destruction of the universe"). This is also the result of meditation practices that is variously called Samadhi, Sartori, Nirvana, etc.
1 - Ptah - Hadit
Ptah was the deification of the primordial mound, which was literally referred to as the risen land, or as the submerged land (see Atlantis).
It was said that it was Ptah who brought the world into being, having dreamed creation in his heart, and then speaking it aloud.
His name means opener, as in the meaning of opener of the mouth.
Open your mouth quickly as you strongly exhale, and you will make a sound that sounds just like "Ptahhh!"
His image is that of a bearded man sitting upon a throne.
Hadit (sometimes only Had) refers to the Thelemic version of an Aegyptian deity. He is identified as "the point in the center of the circle, the axle of the wheel, the cube in the circle," and "the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star," as well as the magician's own inner self.
His image is that of a winged globe. This globe, usually attributed to Ra, is also found at the top of the Greek Caduceus. It is a symbol of the first sphere, Kether, and represents the monad, or monadic consciousness, the true "higher self" of a human being.
Practices relating to the number 1 include coming into union with one's monadic consciousness (being attributed to Kether, this is rather difficult to accomplish), invoking Ptah or Hadit, and "coming into a point." This last notation is also known as "bringing him or her into a point." As it is somewhat misunderstood, this practice (which can also be termed "metaphysical, psychoanalytic revelation") is further described:
The Student - A disciple, chela (student), or any person whomsoever, is perceived to be falsely acting or speaking based on an illusionary viewpoint that is often the product of childhood frustration, traumatic toilet training, or reading bad books.
The Master - A teacher, guru (master), or any person whomsoever, perceives that a Student is falsely acting or speaking from an illusionary viewpoint based on various reasons. The Master then decides to assist the Student in seeing the truth of the matter.
The Process - The Teacher proceeds, in a vocal manner (possibly accompanied by psychic insight and the application of higher energies to the Student's energy field), proceeds to unmask the illusionary viewpoint. From an outsider's point of view, and also from the Student's point of view, this becomes a heated argument.
The Effect - The Student puts up a big fight. Intellectual debate and subconscious programming vehemently deny that the Teacher is right. Defense mechanisms are deployed and the big guns begin to fire. This may take place over several minutes, weeks, or months. It may even be repeated over a course of years! (Wise gurus will not tolerate such prolonged battle and the chela is simply thrown out of the ashram - but this is only in a case of failure).
The Result - The Student eventually comes to see the truth in the Master's position. He or she admits that they were wrong, and they may even become apologetic. Thus, the Student has "come into a point."
The Aftereffects - Hopefully, the Student proceeds on the Path freed of a certain amount of delusion. On the other hand, the Student often hates the Teacher for exposing his or her illusions and forgiveness is unthinkable. Yes, the Student has "come into a point," but to what end?
This can be a very dangerous practice!