An Essay on
© 2008 by Academic Services International, Los Lunas, NM, USA
Chapter 1
We realize that a Glossary or Definition of Terms is usually placed at the end of a book or an essay. It is made available so that the reader can seek out the meaning of specific terminology.
However, we will be using terms in this Essay that have been subject to misuse, misinterpretation and misunderstanding. So in order to avoid any confusion, the Definitions will herewith precede the discussion of the various subjects.
Please note that these Definitions are not in alphabetical Order
MysticismMysticism is defined as a philosophy and its associated disciplines, such as Meditation, that are designed to reflect upon and reach a state of return or re-integration with the Primordial Consciousness or God.
The term originated in a Greek word that meant "to conceal." In the Olympian world, "mystical" referred to "secret" religious rituals. In early Christianity, the term came to refer to "hidden" allegorical interpretations of scriptures. Only later did the term come to denote a "mystical theology" that included direct experience of cosmic consciousness.
The generally accepted definition does not include experiences such as out-of-the-body events, telepathy, precognition, and clairvoyance, as all of these are associated with known objects, or are qualities that utilize the senses, or are acheived via ordinary introspection (such as human thoughts).
If you were to assemble a collection of formal definitions of "Mysticism" or "Mystical," you would have to read through a lot of long words accompanied by manifold philosophical distinctions. But the process itself is quite simple, even if the definitions appear to be complex.
Therefore, in this Essay, we simply define Mysticism as Union with the Primordial Consciousness.
Mysticism, in one form or another, has been, and still is, practiced in every culture. It was, and is, well-known throughout China, Tibet, Europe, Africa, India, Arabia, among the Indians of the Americas, and even in The United States.
OccultOccult means "hidden." That's all. It does not mean evil, the devil, satanic, or any of the other derogatory terms used by fundamentalist ministers and newspaper reporters. Since Mysticism also means "hidden" or "concealed," then the these two terms essentially mean the same thing.
MeditationMeditation is commonly described as a practice for relaxation. But that is merely superficial, for the term actually comes from the same root as mediation or the "bringing together" of opposing parties in a dispute. In our case, it is the bringing together of the higher self and the lower self.
One ancient example of Meditation is Raja Yoga. This art has eight branches, including Morals ("doing good"), Restraint ("thou shalt not..."), Asana ("control of posture"), Pranayama ("control of breathing"), Pratyahara ("sublimation" - falsely called "introspection" by westerners), Dharana ("mental concentration"), Dhyana ("meditation" - the result), and Samadhi (an "expanded" result).
For a magician, the purpose of performing these mystical routines is simply that he or she is not going to get very far in Magic if the internal controls are not developed. Thus a well-rounded magician will move forward on two fronts by engaging in both mystical (internal) and magical (external) practices.
See also: The Principles of White Magic on this website
The Law of KarmaKarma is the Law of Cause and Effect. When a person gets off-balanced due to thoughts, words, and deeds, their causal "bank account" is debited. When a person redresses off-balanced thoughts, words, and deeds, their causal "bank account" is credited. The Soul is like an individual's bank book, and the Akashic Records are like the bank's records of everyone's accounts, including the history of the bank itself.
Mystical definitions of Karma often include concepts indicating that (good and bad) actions and thoughts, from previous lifetimes, follow one into their present incarnation. In fact, they are said to influence the circumstances of one's birth, and to incessantly shape the events that occur within one's life.
The EgoThe Ego has many designations. The Transhimalayan system defines the Ego as the Soul itself (the "reincarnating ego"). Modern psychologists use it as a definition of self-awareness. Common usage says it's a self-centered (selfish or self-important) person. And the school of the eight neuro-circuits attributes its meaning to the second circuit of territorial dominance.
In this Essay, ego is used to denote the sense of individual self-awareness, the designation of the separate, important person - as opposed to the adept of universal consciousness.