An Essay on
© 2008 by Academic Services International, Los Lunas, NM, USA
The Chakras - Continued
The Base Chakra
The Base or Root Chakra is physically located between the anus and the external genitalia, although most people simply say, "at the base of the spine." It is directly accessed and regulated by the acupuncture point Ren 1 ("Perineum").
Its color is said to be Red, although it actually is an orange-red (commonly called "Chinese Red") with some yellow and a white-hot core. It looks just like molten lava or a very bright fire.
It is also referred to as the Kundalini Chakra.
It is associated with two symbols: A Red Square (for visualization purposes) and a Red Triangle (as it actually appears to the inner vision as it is rising up the Shushumna ("central channel'). Think of looking down the primary vent hole of a volcano. The energy is seen as a lava-like, whirling triangle of ascending energy.
The Root Chakra has been erroneously identified with the sexual organs and with sexual processes. This is not the case, for the gonads are linked to the next higher, sacral chakra. Although sexual activity may draw energy up from the root chakra, this four-petalled lotus is concerned with the prime directive of Survival.
In order to determine which is the most "primal" drive, look at it this way:
.If you, male or female, were given the choice between "continuing to live" and "having sex," which one would you choose?Yeah! . I know! . Sometimes it's a hard decision to make.
The Sacral Chakra
The Sacral Chakra funnels are physically located behind the sacrum and in front of the lower abdomen. They are directly accessed and regulated by the acupuncture points Ren 4 ("Hinge at the Source"), Ren 6 ("Sea of Chi") and Du 4 ("Life Gate").
Its color is commonly said to be Orange, but this is a wide-spread misconception. It is actually Pink, and a whitish-pink at that.
It looks just like cherry blossom leaves.
It is associated with two symbols: A Pink Triangle (for visualization purposes) and a six-petalled flower (or six-spoked wheel). This chakra governs the kidneys, the gonads, and the availability of "reserve energy." It is often depleted or deficient in modern, civilized people due to (what the Chinese call) "excessive sex" and "exuberant lifestyle."
The Sacral Chakra has been mistakenly called the "Spleen Chakra," due to that name being published by a Theosophical author about a hundred years ago. It has also been called the "Navel Chakra." Both of these terms are inaccurate. This six-petalled lotus does not govern the Spleen (for that organ provides immediately-available energy, not "reserve" energy), and it is actually located several inches below the navel.
The Solar Chakra
The Solar Chakra funnels are physically located behind the midpoint of the spinal column and in front of the Solar Plexus. They are directly accessed and regulated by the acupuncture points Ren 12 ("Middle Cavity") and Du 7 ("Middle Axis").
This energy center governs, and is affected by, the emotions. It is a direct gateway onto the astral plane. A self-respecting yogi would never exit the physical body through the Solar Plexus, although people do it all the time.
Its color is commonly said to be Yellow, although this is another, popular misconception. Its essential color is actually Green, but this is always offset with Yellow. It looks like a "bull's-eye" target.
The presence of orange flecks indicates Irritation or Anxiety.
Areas of Red denote Rage or Anger ("Liver Fire").It is associated with two symbols: A Green Spiral (for visualization purposes) and a green-yellow target (as it actually appears). This chakra governs the liver, stomach and spleen, and provides immediately-available energy (in terms of "Let's get up and go! ").
It is often depleted or deficient in modern, civilized people due to (what the Chinese call) "improper diet" (junk food) and "impure food" (including alcohol). It is also congested because of bad tempers and angry attitudes.
This ten-petalled lotus governs the Spleen (immediate energy), and it is associated with the "Soma-Zero" point, which is the dynamic balancing point of the totality of the human energy system. This accounts for several of it's designations, including middle, central, and solar.