An Essay on
© 2008 by Academic Services International, Los Lunas, NM, USA
The Chakras - Continued
The Heart Chakra
The Heart Chakra funnels are physically located behind the Heart and in front of the Heart. They are accessed and regulated by the acupuncture points Ren 17 ("Chest Center") and Du 11 ("Spirit's Path").
This energy center governs the so-called "holistic neurocircuit," and is attributed to "spiritual endeavors." It is a direct gateway onto the higher mental plane and is the seat of compassion and euphoria.
Its color is commonly said to be Green, and we examined that misconception earlier in this Essay. Its color is Gold, but is often called Golden-Yellow. It looks like a Sun.
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The presence of dark spots, resembling sunspots,
indicates impediments to the full energetic awareness
of the "Spirit" or "Soul" consciousness.
.These spots are called Karma.There is a technique, particularly applicable to Guru Yoga and Bhakti Yoga, wherein the practitioner builds a small compartment within his or her own Heart Chakra. Within this compartment, he or she maintains an image of his or her Guru, or an image of the deity to whom he or she is devoted.
This center is associated with two symbols: A Yellow Cross (for visualization purposes) and a Solar Disc (as it actually appears).
The twelve-petalled lotus governs the Heart (consciousness).
The Throat Chakra
The Throat Chakra funnels are physically located behind the Neck and in front of the Throat. They are accessed and regulated by the acupuncture points Ren 22 ("Heaven's Prominence") and Du 15 ("Mute's Door").
This energy center governs expression, both in speech and manner. It is related to the more elevated subplanes of the higher mental plane.
Its color is Blue, and is always enhanced by Silver.
This center is associated with two symbols: A Blue Crescent (for visualization purposes) and an Hourglass (which describes its function).
The sixteen-petalled lotus governs the Throat, including the thyroid and parathyroid endocrine glands (metabolic rate).