An Essay on
2008 by Academic Services International, Los Lunas, NM, USA
Appendix B
The Symbology of Colors
Colors are an expression of the sacred correlation.
Each color is linked to a Sphere (Sephiroth), a God or Goddess, and all the other applicable attributions.
INDIGO is certainly not the color Black, although it is often mistaken for that "absence of color." It is the color of the sky at midnight on a clear, moonless night.
There was an old saying about Model T Fords: "You can get one in any color as long as it's black." That color was actually called midnight blue, and was in fact Indigo.
INDIGO is the deepest, darkest blue of the number ZERO (Ø), the color attributed to the realms that precede, and are "outside" of the Tree of Life, the Aegyptian symbol of the Nile Star (Sirius) - which is fixed in a single location at the arch of our Milky Way where it keeps guard over the abyss into incarnation.
Its magical "instrument" is the Silence from which all manifestation proceeds. Its stone is Moldavite, not because of its (greenish) color, but due to its extraterrestrial origin.
INDIGO is also associated with the state of Samadhi, wherein all manifestation appears and disappears. For our purposes, it can also be (loosely) referenced to the Tao.
All of these correspondences point to the pre-manifestation source of the Inner Self of each human. In the Transhimalayan terminology, this is called the Adi, or the realm of The Lord of the World (the Planetary Logos).
Samadhi means "Together with the Adi."
Sam = "with."
Magical workings at this level are not often performed by the magician. Samadhi is a result, not a practice.
WHITE is not a color in itself, but rather is the combined essence and source of all colors (of light). White light can be diffused through a prism to display the seven basic colors. White light (sunlight) diffuses through water (rain) particles to produce a rainbow. However, with paints or pigments, an attempt to "mix them all up" merely results in a muddy, dark brown color.
WHITE is the pointed brilliance of the number ONE (1), the color attributed to Kether on the Tree of Life. the Aegyptian deity Ptah - who was said to have called creation into being, and the planet Pluto.
Modern astronomers are now saying that Pluto is not a planet, being too small to have earned that designation.
How small is a "point," how tiny is the essential core of a star?
Its stone is the Diamond and its magical instrument is the central Lamp that illuminates all of the work.
WHITE (as the point) is also associated with the deity/concept of Hadit, who proclaims himself as "the point in the center of the circle, the axle of the wheel, the cube in the circle," and "the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star."
All of these correspondences point to the Inner Self of each human and represent the Goal of the magician. In the Transhimalayan terminology, this is called the Monad.
Magical workings at this level deal with the Creation of new situations and universes.
GRAY is the color that results from the mixture of White and Black. As we well know, there are "many shades of Gray."
GRAY is the muted form of the brilliance of White and refers to the number TWO (2), the color attributed to Chokmah on the Tree of Life. the Aegyptian deity Thoth - who was said to have invented numbers, writing, science, magic and speech.
Many Tables attribute this Sphere to Isis, but we do not hold with this attribution as Chokmah is definitely a male realm.
The stone often attributed to Chokmah is the Star Ruby, but surely it must also be the Gray Star Sapphire. Its magical instrument is the Lance that energizes all of the work.
These correspondences point to the Creativity of each human and represent the true Magical Power of the magician. In the Transhimalayan terminology, this is called the Atman (Atma = Spirit). The eight-neurocircuit title is the Metaprogramming circuit (the construction of "new reality tunnels").
Magical workings at this level deal with the Creation of new archetypal realities or paradigms.
BLACK is the absence of color.
BLACK refers to the number THREE (3), the color attributed to Binah on the Tree of Life, and the Aegyptian deity Nephthys, who was known as the "Useful" or "Excellent" goddess" because she gave divine assistance on many levels. She was also a dangerous deity who was able to incinerate the opponents of Pharaoh with her fire-breath.
Its stone is the Black Star Sapphire and its magical instrument is the Bell due to its link with announcing the work in the Silence.
These correspondences point to the Understanding nature of a human and represent the true Intuition of the magician. In the Transhimalayan terminology, this is called the Buddhic plane (Buddhi = understanding). The eight-neurocircuit title is the Akashik circuit (the ability to do specific work along evolutionary lines with "memory" or an intuitive understanding of the universal factors involved).
Magical workings at this level deal with the Advancement of the evolutionary process.
Random Multicolors
The "X" Factor
RANDOM COLORS that have no specific pattern are herein referred to as the "X" factor.
X refers to no number, and is attributed to The Abyss on the Tree of Life, and the Aegyptian deity Set - who was known as the god of the desert, storms, and disorder. The Greeks called him Typhon.
Its stone is Crazy Lace Agate and its magical instrument is the magic Triangle wherein demons are evoked.
These correspondences point to the Dispersion of (mental) consciousness of a human and represent the Reversal of perception that must precede advancement to Binah or intuitive understanding. In the Transhimalayan terminology, this state is associated with the fourth initiation and is called the Crucifixion.
Magical workings at this level deal with the "Crossing of the Abyss," also known as the "Dark Night of the Soul."