An Essay on
2008 by Academic Services International, Los Lunas, NM, USA
Appendix B
The Symbology of Colors - Continued
BLUE refers to the number FOUR (4), the color attributed to Chesed on the Tree of Life. and the Aegyptian deity Amoun - who was known as the patron of successful enterprises and the protector of roads and travel.
Its stone is Lapis Lazuli and its magical instrument is the Wand, the symbol of authority and rulership.
These correspondences point to the Merciful nature of a human and represent the Authority of the magician. In the Transhimalayan terminology, this is the highest subplane of Higher Manas (the higher mind), with the eight-neurocircuit title for this consciousness being the Holistic circuit (the causal or soul plane).
Magical workings involving this color deal with matters of authority (as in authorship) prosperity, travel, politics and business.
RED refers to the number FIVE (5), the color attributed to Geburah on the Tree of Life. and the Aegyptian deity Horus - who was known as the god of war and power.
Its stone is the Ruby and its magical instrument is the Sword or Dagger, the symbol of war.
These correspondences point to the Powerful (aggressive) nature of a human and represent the Strength of the magician. In the Transhimalayan terminology, this is the middle subplane of High Manas (the higher mind), with (again) the eight-neurocircuit title for this consciousness being (a sub-plane of) the Holistic circuit (the causal or soul plane).
Magical workings involving this color deal with matters of combat, especially the struggles involved in balancing one's own Karma.
YELLOW or GOLD refer to the number SIX (6), the color attributed to Tiphereth on the Tree of Life, and the Aegyptian deity Ra - who was the personification of the Sun.
Its stone is Topaz and its magical instrument is the Lamen, the symbol of the Great Work and the identity of the magician.
These correspondences point to the Harmonious nature of a human and represent the Balance of the magician. In the Transhimalayan terminology, this is the lowest subplane of High Manas (the higher mind), with (again) the eight-neurocircuit title for this consciousness being the Holistic circuit (the causal or soul plane).
Magical workings involving this color deal with matters of harmony, beauty, and the Invocation of the Solar Angel.
GREEN refers to the number SEVEN (7), the color attributed to Netzach on the Tree of Life, and the Aegyptian deity Hathoor - who was known as the goddess of love and fertility. The Romans called her Venus and the Greeks called her Aphrodite.
Its stone is the Emerald and its magical instrument is the Cup, the symbol of receptivity.
These correspondences point to the Loving nature of a human and represent the Philosophical mind of the magician. In the Transhimalayan terminology, this is the Passive aspect of Lower Manas (the concrete mind), with the eight-neurocircuit title for this consciousness being the Social circuit (tribal taboos and socially-restraining behaviors).
Many students like to attribute Green to the Heart Chakra. But the Heart Chakra is actually Gold, like the sun. This mistaken identification is due to the exoteric assignment of colors to the chakras as though their colors corresponded to the order displayed in a rainbow. This is not the case, although some chakra colors do follow this pattern, while others differ. The true colors, as seen through clairvoyance (and as listed in the ancient Mahabharata) are:
Crown - Violet
Brow - Indigo and White
Throat - Blue and Silver
Heart - Gold
Solar Plexus - Green and Yellow
Sacral Plexus - Pink
Base - Orange-Red (known as Chinese Red)
Magical workings involving this color deal with matters of love and philosophy.
ORANGE refers to the number EIGHT (8), the color attributed to Hod on the Tree of Life, and the Aegyptian deity Anubis - who was known as the guide of the dead.
Most Tables attribute this Sphere to Thoth, but we do not hold with this attribution as he is already found at Chokmah, and we feel that any deity can only be attributed to one sphere.
Note that when Thoth appears in papyri, his assistant Anubis is always nearby, even as the intellect should stand only in assistance to the higher wisdom.
Its stone is the Fire Opal and its magical instruments are the Book, the Talisman, and to a certain extent, the Words of Power.
These correspondences point to the Calculating nature of a human and represent the Intellect of the magician. In the Transhimalayan terminology, this is the Active aspect of Lower Manas (the intellectual mind), with the eight-neurocircuit title for this consciousness being the Verbal-Manual circuit (the manipulation of the environment through speaking or manual dexterity).
Magical workings involving this color deal with matters of science and knowledge.
VIOLET, LAVENDER and PURPLE refer to the number NINE (9), the color attributed to Yesod on the Tree of Life, and the Aegyptian deity Isis - who was known as the goddess of rulership. The Greeks called her Artemis.
Many Tables attribute this Sphere to other deities, but we make this attribution to Isis, as Yesod and Isis are both associated with the Moon.
Its stone is the Amethyst and its magical instrument is the Altar, the symbol of receptivity.
These correspondences point to the Emotional nature of a human and represent the Astral body of the magician. In the Transhimalayan terminology, this is the Astral plane, with the eight-neurocircuit title for this consciousness being the Territorial circuit (the "ego" consciousness of territorial dominance).
Magical workings involving this color deal with matters of astral projection and divination.
BROWN refers to the number TEN (1Ø), the color attributed to Malkuth on the Tree of Life, and the Aegyptian deity Osiris - who was known as the dead and resurrected king. The Christians called him Jesus.
Most Tables attribute this Sphere to four colors:
Citrine, Olive, Russet, and Black (the so-called "earth tones").
But to keep it simple, this the Earth plane and earth (dirt) is brown.
Its stone is Jasper and its magical instruments are the Temple, the Circle, and the Disk.
These correspondences point to the Physical nature of a human and represent the Dense vehicle of the magician. In the Transhimalayan terminology, these are the Dense-physical and Etheric-physical planes, with the eight-neurocircuit title for this consciousness being the Survival circuit (the instinct that moves one forward toward nourishment and backs one away from danger).
Magical workings involving this color deal with matters related to the physical plane.